Essential Information For Choosing An Office Cleaning Service
Published Date September 25, 2014
If you want to hire a reputable cleaning contractor, you are going to need to ask the right questions and have the right criteria at hand. A lot of SMB owners have never hired an office cleaning service before, and they don’t know where to start. A new business owner might have used a personal maid service in the past, but that’s probably the only experience he’s had with an outside cleaning service.
For some managers, picking a cleaning contractor is as easy as agreeing to the terms of the next janitor that comes knocking on your office door. Unless you’re lucky though, picking the right contractor usually takes a bit of work. Letting other people into your facility, especially when you or your staff are not there, can be a worrisome experience.
This blog post is meant to help small business owners choose the right cleaning company.
How To Go About Choosing An Office Cleaning Company
There are advantages and benefits to contract cleaning. Some of those benefits include:
*Reduced incidence of work hazards
*Fewer problems with your union
*No investment in expensive equipment
*Lower custodial costs
*Urgent emergency cleaning
*No need to pay an in-house maintenance staff on a regular basis
*Guaranteed clean office on a regular basis
You should think about the following things before settling on a cleaning company.
*Request for Serious Proposals/Price Quotes
*Clear Specs
*Contractor Interview
*Defining a Budget
*Number of Bids to Take
*How the Buying Process Works
*Contracts & Cancellation Clauses
Make sure that everything is in writing before you choose an office cleaning company, so that a dispute couldn’t come up later. Make sure the company is licensed, bonded, and insured, in case anything goes wrong at your workplace. Interview a number of cleaning companies that meet those criteria over the telephone and in-person.