January 11, 2023

10 Tips on How to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Offices

How to improve indoor air quality in office

One of the most essential things to remember while working so many hours in an office is to how to improve indoor air quality in office. It is important to have natural air around you and not be stuck in an office with poor air quality. If you need any commercial office cleaning services please feel free to reach us out.

Here are ten tips to improve air quality at your indoor office:

Let Natural Air Flow In

You can leave your office doors and windows open when temperature and humidity levels permit you to do so. The open air and natural sunlight and temperature keeps air fresh and rotating continuously. If it is not possible everyday do this once a week or fortnightly as time and convenience permits.

Natural ventilation can also improve indoor air quality by reducing pollutants that are indoors. Window shading such as closing the blinds or opening door and windows are some examples of natural ventilation.

Using an Air Purifier

Nowadays air purifiers are equipped with HEPA filters that do an excellent job of filtering contaminants from the air. Most air purifiers capture suspended particulate matter but do not remove gas and other chemicals.

Activated carbon filters are needed to remove gas and chemicals. Regularly check indoor air quality in office buildings.

Replace Your Air Filters Frequently

Whether it is your heating source or your air purifier, replace or clean the filter often to prevent pollutants from being released into the air again.

Get Indoor Plants

One of the best ways on how to improve indoor air quality naturally is to get plants. Many plants are well known for their ability to absorb toxins from the air and hence are known as nature’s air purifiers.

But beware that mold often grows around plants that are watered often so you have to routinely keep an eye on them to clean any subsequent mold growth. Indoor plants such as Spider Plant and Golden pothos are effective in absorbing benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene from air.

They also look great and is a great way to beautify your office. The Spider plant is also very easy to care for and propagate. You can put one in every room to allow office staff to breathe easily.

The dracaena plant will help remove other toxins like trichloroethylene from the air. Chrysanthemums are great for air quality inside a closed office area. They also remove ammonia along with other pollutants from the air.

These are some of the plants you could bring into your office space to not only make it look cooler but improving air quality.

Restrict Smoking in the Office Area

Cigarette smoke contains fine particulate matter, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and thousands of other chemicals. Studies have shown that exposure to second hand tobacco may result in inner ear infections, asthma and lung cancer in non-smokers.

However, the increased use of electronic cigarettes can also contribute to new sources of indoor air contaminants including nicotine, as well as flavour and fragrance additives. This is one of the methods to improve indoor air quality.

Check Building Materials and Furnishings

Insulation, carpeting, cabinetry or furniture made of pressed wood and paint all release small amounts of chemicals into the air for a surprisingly long amount of time. These are secret pollutants and can cause a lot of damage.

Do not use much of these materials to furnish the office space. Throw out old junk and debris if not needed. Keep your office area clean and sanitized.

Clean and Sanitize Your HVAC Air Ducts Regularly

Your HVAC Air Ducts circulate cold and hot air throughout your office. Over time dust, debris, mold, bacteria and even dead insects and rodents accumulate inside these ducts. These contaminants spread throughout your office along with the air and might cause air borne infections and bad odor.

Have you ever wondered why you are always sniffing and sneezing in your office? You can blame your HVAC air ducts for frequent employee sick leaves. Since air ducts are hard to reach inside and clean, you need professional cleaning services who can access and clean the deepest part of your air duct and determine how to check air quality in office.

Do Not Block Air Vents or Grilles

Keep the supply vents or return air grilles unblocked, so that you don’t unbalance the HVAC system or affect the ventilation of a neighbouring office. Furniture boxes or other materials near supply vents may also affect air flow.

You can notify building management if your space is too hot or stuffy. Maintain indoor air quality standards for office buildings.

Clean Up All Water Spills and Report Water Leaks Promptly

Water creates a hospitable environment for the growth of micro-organisms such as mold and fungi. When airborne they might cause health problems.

Take Care and Store Food Properly

Food attracts pests and insects. Some foods if left unrefrigerated can become stale and generate unpleasant smells. Keep your kitchens and dining areas hygienic and sanitize when necessary.

If you need office cleaners please reach out to us for more advice and professional help.