January 4, 2023

10 Winterization Safety Tips for Commercial Properties

winterization safety tips – people removing snow from building roof

We believe you have invested a significant amount of time and resource in building your workspace. You are sure to have planned and laid a picturesque landscape and a freshly sealed parking lot. The increasing nip in the air, however, signals cold weather, and it is time you winterize your commercial property. Scroll down to find a quick checklist of winterization safety tips for securing your commercial property.

Maintaining and upkeep of commercial properties can be challenging in winter. Hence it is advisable to prepare before a drop in temperatures. Winterization in time not only helps in securing a safer and more comfortable working zone for the employees it is also cost-effective.

Planning for Ice and Snow Removal

Winter storms can hit you from nowhere. Line up a reliable and reasonable commercial building maintenance company in advance for snow removal. Go for a company which operates 24/7 and you need not worry about opening late. Make sure that the hired they provide salting, sanding, and other types of snow removal services for your property.

Monitoring Space Heaters

Portable space heaters can become a safety hazard in a workplace. The employees should be educated about safe heater practices. Ensure that the space heaters are not placed in doorways and high-traffic zones.

Do not plug in the heater with other electrical devices into the same outlet. Most importantly all space heaters are to be turned off an unplugged before you wrap up for the day.

Door Mats Installation

This is something vital and should be done at all the entrances. It will help you keep the mud, snow and dirt of your interior walkways. It secures a cleaner and safe working space.

Absence of slush and mud on the walkways will considerably reduce the possibility of falls and slips and prevent injuries to the employees and the visitors as well.

Inspection of the Heating Systems

This is one of the most important winterization tips and should be conducted on priority. All HVAC systems should be periodically inspected and maintained regularly. This ensures adequate heating of the property during the winter months.

Inspect the furnaces and units on the terrace for cracks and buildups. Check the operation of the water heaters. Clean the burners and brush the boiler tubes for an efficient run.

Winterizing the Roof

This is one of the vital winterizing tips which is mostly ignored. The continuous free and thaw cycle could worsen the roof health. Identify cracks, shingles and leaks well ahead of the season and fix them up.

Your roof can cave in or leak due to excessive accumulation of snow. Inspect and repair the damage in time. Clear your roof of the accumulated snow to avoid damage to the property and the employees.

Stocking on Emergency Supplies

Of all winterization safety tips this is the most crucial especially in regions of frequent snow storms and blizzards. Check if the office building can accommodate employees in case of overnight or multiple days’ blizzard.

Create an emergency inventory of warm blankets, dried or ready-to-eat edible resources, portable heater systems, and first-aid kits for long periods of being snowed in.

Sealing the Air-Leaks in the Building

Structural leaks can result in loss of air and reduced indoor comfort. Conduct a commercial energy audit to locate leaks and seal them up with caulking or other materials.

Weather-strip the doors and windows to prevent leaks. Locate the points where wires, conduits and pipes penetrate the building and seal all leaks irrespective of its size.

Accentuating Insulation

The foundation, ceilings, floors and walls of the property should be adequately insulated to prevent the flow of heat from warm to cold spots. Use blanket-type insulation between joists and beams in floors and walls.

Insulate the hard-to-reach places with foam insulation. It would be a good idea to insulate the plumbing pipes, especially those sections that run through the coldest part of the building.

Shutting Down Irrigation Systems

Since during winter months’ plants and grass is not watered frequently, it is not a good idea to allow excess water to settle in the irrigation system. It is advisable to drain and shut down the system fully. This ensures that at the onset of the spring when new flowers, grasses and plants are watered for landscaping the system is functional.

Ensure the Fire Protection Equipment is Operational

It is true that fire break-outs are less during the winter months, but ensure your hydrants, extinguishers and other safety equipment is adequately operational. All the fire extinguishing apparatus should be functional to combat fire-related contingencies. Check to see that they can be accessed easily and are not in a frozen state.

Bottom line

It is important to have a contingency plan to handle uncertainties professionally. You can follow the winterization safety tips or alternately engage building maintenance services to take care of your commercial property. It will not only save your cost of repairs but will surely improve the experience of your employees and customers by many notches.